I remember that day, as vividly as if it all took place only yesterday... She was twirling with dad to the romantic ballads belted on the ...

I remember that day, as vividly as if it all took place only yesterday...
She was twirling with dad to the romantic ballads belted on the music system. Never had I seen her so ebullient, so happy, so free, it was a different side of her, not her usual reserved, controlled self; of course, the occasion called for a celebration; after all, it was their wedding anniversary. Usually, we celebrate this day by dining at some fancy restaurant. Still, this time it was something special, something extraordinary for it was their twenty-fifth. With the option of going out totally out, we were to celebrate at home.
The morning started with mum having total control over the kitchen. She cooked all dad’s favourite meals. One could say there was a delicious buffet being served at our home.
By late noon it was me& my little sister’s time to take over the kitchen, we baked a creamy chocolate cake and a batch of mouth-watering club sandwiches and orange sherbet(juice). That was our menu for the night! Later we went to our terrace. We have a private terrace garden, and the rest of the day was spent decorating it.

Soon it was time, time for some merrymaking & vibrant fun fit for the grandiosity of the affair! Amidst the garden decorated with quaint fairy lights & dainty lanterns, the entire ambience decorated to the theme of the day we invited our parents for the celebration.
On a small platform, each of us gave a little speech which expressed what these two beautiful beings meant to us, later on, we played some romantic music and persuaded them to dance. After the dance dad surprised us by reading a heartfelt note in which he expressed his love and devotion to mother, that moment was so beautiful one could feel that there was something magical in the air, he was at his expressional best. I had never known him to be so, emotional. After what seemed like eternity, (a lot of emotions waltzing in the air) it was time to cut the cake! & enjoy the savouries prepared.

By now it was almost late evening and to round it off we (me & my sis) presented the pair of swans (How else can I describe them as?) with a wholesome bouquet of pink roses and a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, which we had ordered from Withlovenregards .Out of that flower bouquet, papa took one pink rose and gifted it to mum and one could see the twinkle in both of their eyes, a twinkle that spoke of a sense of achievement, fulfilment and love. A picture worthy of being captured and it was by my sister (among the many others) and me.
So that was how the day ended, by now you must be wondering why am I suddenly recounting this tale of our family to you, well what can I say, although this story took place many many days back, on a balmy afternoon idly lying on a hammock in my balcony, the eyes just wandered towards the mantlepiece on which there was the rose, the rose which was gifted to mum by dad that day, it was her special rose she said , and upon seeing it nostalgia just crept in, quite discreetly as ever & before I could untangle myself from it , I was already hypnotised by that rose, that feeling, the moments, that day.
Memories like those are very hard to be detached from once they start weaving their spell on you...

Looking back there could be numerous ways in which an anniversary could be celebrated with the family at home, one can organise karaoke night, plant seeds of beautiful flowers together as a family & create a family garden. If your family is the one that enjoys a quiet together or is more spiritually inclined, then together you’ll can meditate together and seek the good wishes and bounty and abundance from the universe or at the same time if the spouse is a nature lover one can go up on the terrace or in the veranda(balcony) and gaze at wonderful stars and the night sky while listening to some soft, mellow romantic music and having some cool rose drink(think Roohafza {a rose drink}). There could be a few house games involved too like, housie, scrabbles, monopoly, monopoly well, the matter is quite subjective on this one.

One can also have a stand-up comedy. One can also have a fun session of table topics where you draw out little notes which are kept in a jar, and you have to speak on the topic written on them, but all the topics should have the same theme, that, which is connected to the couple, it is a spontaneous way of paying homage to them!
Lastly, there is the movie night, this one is very commonplace but very high on the homely comfort vibes.
So, that’s all I have to say now when the noon sun’s shining and the weather is clement that one little rose took me down the memory lane, wish you had a good time reading my story, have a beautiful day!